FATHER OF LIFE, You are my hope,
Hope that is steady, hope that is sure.
Even when questions stir in my mind,
Your counsel and hope anchor my life.
Almighty God, You are my peace
Peace that is solid, peace that is real.
Even as storms seem to control;
Your wholeness and peace anchors my soul.
It is You, Jesus, it’s You:
Lord of the day and the night.
I trust in You, for Your ways are true:
God over all, I belong to You.
Wonderful Lord, You are my joy,
Joy as my purpose, joy as my goal.
Here at the cross I witness today:
Your focus on joy anchors my faith.
Your holy name it anchors me;
It’s all in Your name, all in Your name.
Your holy name it anchors me;
It’s all in Your name, all in Your name.
Geraldine Latty & Andrew SmallĀ