Father You Are Holy

Absolutely holy
Nothing in this world compares with You
How you made the world around us
Mountains, stars and oceans
And I know You made and love me too

I worship You
I worship You with all I am
Living for You
I worship You

Jesus You are perfect
Absolutely perfect
Nothing in this world compares with You
How You came and lived here with us
Gave Yourself to serve us
And I know that You forgive me too

Spirit You are with us
Absolutely with us
Nothing in this world compares with You
How You breathe your life into us
Challenge us yet hold us
And I know Your power makes me new

Father, Spirit, Jesus
Beautiful in holiness
Nothing in this world compares with You
So we bend our will towards You
Open our hearts to You
As you send us out to live for You

We worship You
We worship You with all we are
Living for You
We worship You

Geraldine Latty & Mike PearsĀ