Sometimes when I’m sleeping I hear the distant guns
And I shiver to the coldness of the voice
And I run to hold my son so peacefully asleep
And I hope to God he lives to have a choice
For I have seen the tanks and bombers
Stand shining in the sun
I have measured out the peace we keep
In megatonnes
And I’ve listened to the wisdom of the mighty
And the meek
And I hear the business interests run
Through the lying words they speak
For the world one voice for the world one voice
I have seen the face of soldiers
Who are ready day and night
Their allegiance to their flag proclaims that
God is on their side
We legislate compassion we justify our hate
Then we give to save our faces
Much too little much too late
Sometimes when I’m sleeping
I dream the time has come
When we all will be released from the shadow
Of the gun
And I run to hold my child
So peaceful where he lays
And he reaches out his hand and smiles
And it brushes all my tears away