That we live and that we move.
It is by Your mighty power
That we breathe.
And in the name of Jesus risen,
By the Holy Spirit given,
It is by Your mighty power we believe.
And You’re God above all rule and reign
And all authority.
Yet You have come to live in us,
And it is by Your mighty power we believe.
You enable us to walk even in the darkest
And You equip us to be bearers of Your life.
We are salt and we are light,
We’re already in the fight,
But it is by Your mighty power that we stand.
When the clouds are pushed aside,
And we move into that place where all the
Nations of the world will throw their crowns,
And as we gaze upon Your face,
We will sing for endless days,
That it’s by Your mighty power that we’ve come.
Geraldine Latty