It is written in the word that Jesus
You are Lord of all the earth
The kingdoms of this world are now
The kingdoms of our God
And of His Christ
You shall reign forevermore
Your government shall know no end
And we’ll pursue Your kingdom
On the earth
Your kingdom come
Your will be done
Here on the earth and in our land
That all may fall before Your throne
And bow the knee to You alone
And worship You worship You
It is written in the word
Behold I do a new thing in your midst
Lord You are now calling forth
Your righteousness and praise
From all the earth
May the peoples praise You Lord
May all the nations worship You
For then the earth shall yield its harvest Lord
It is written in the word that Jesus
You are coming back again
Your kingdom is to be proclaimed
In all the world
And then the end shall come
The trump shall sound the dead will rise
And we will then be glorified
As You return this time to take Your bride