JESUS HAS SAT DOWN at God’s right hand,
He is reigning now on David’s throne.
God has placed all things beneath His feet,
His enemies will be His footstool.
For the government is now upon His shoulder,
For the government is now upon His shoulder,
And of the increase of His government and peace
There will be no end, there will be no end,
There will be no end.
God has now exalted Him on high,
Given Him a name above all names.
Every knee will bow and tonnegue confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
Jesus is now living in His church,
Men who have been purchased by His blood.
They will serve their God, a royal priesthood,
And they will reign on earth.
Sound the trumpets, good news to the poor,
Captives will go free, the blind will see;
The kingdom of this world will soon become
The kingdom of our God.