Jesus lover of my soul


While the nearer waters roll while the tempest still is high

Hide me O my Saviour hide till the storm of life is past

Safe into the haven guide O receive my soul at last


Other refuge have I none hangs my helpless soul on Thee

Leave ah leave me not alone still support and comfort me

All my trust on Thee is stayed all my help from Thee I bring

Cover my defenseless head with the shadow of Thy wing


Wilt Thou not regard my call wilt Thou not accept my prayer

Lo I sink I faint I fall lo on Thee I cast my care

Reach me out Thy gracious hand while I of Thy strength receive

Hoping against hope I stand dying and behold I live


Thou O Christ art all I want more than all in Thee I find

Raise the fallen cheer the faint heal the sick and lead the blind

Just and holy is Thy Name I am all unrighteousness

False and full of sin I am Thou art full of truth and grace


Plenteous grace with Thee is found grace to cover all my sin

Let the healing streams abound make and keep me pure within

Thou of life the fountain art freely let me take of Thee

Spring Thou up within my heart and rise to all eternity

And rise to all eternity

And rise to all eternity