Jesus my only Hope
My only Plea
My Righteousness
My Great High Priest
Who intercedes for me
Before the throne
Jesus I trust in You alone
I come into Your Presence
With nothing in my hands
I only bring thanksgiving
For Jesus God and Man
I cast myself on mercy
I cast myself on love
I trust Your gracious Promise
To wash me with Your Blood
I will not fear Your Judgement
For me no wrath I dread
For it was spent on Jesus
Poured out upon His Head
When Satan’s accusations
Make my poor heart afraid
I hear my King declaring
Father that debt is paid
Though I am poor and naked
Your prodigal come home
You place Your Robe upon me
Your Holiness alone
Though I be dry and barren
By grace this love springs forth
Love for You and Your Kingdom
Joy in Your Glory Lord
Mark Altrogge