When the world needs a hero, can you be the hero?
When the world needs a miracle, can you be the miracle? You be the miracle?
Safe and sound inside our bubble
But when the world needs to change can you make a little trouble?
Can you make a little trouble?
Rap section
Yeah this music is not safe but it rescues you from danger tho
Replaces complacency with signs and no vacancy
Right side of history, wrong side of culture
I bet you start speaking up you’ll see the legion of pitchforks
And I aint got time to convince y’all that the sky is blue
And I aint got a song for your youth group to ride to
This aint God and country I don’t worship no flags
This is fist high Adonai – image bearer – standard bearer
Category cracker – I aint scared of being misunderstood
I got you fam, me and you are good
And when their suffering abounds don’t be indicted by your silence
Become well acquainted with the pain of your neighbours
It should cost you a little bit, they judging you for who you with
They lovin you but when you sit with the other they like
‘œWhat is this?’
well this is justice! Get outside your bubble
And get your fingers little dirty
go on make a lickle trouble y’all
Deliberate and purposeful
There was no uh-oh
Blessed are the misfits, blessed are the misfits
Disaster don’t derail me the best kind of trouble
Blessed are the misunderstood
What is man but an experiment in an attempt to become selfless
A pitiful pitbull that seems to love his pitfalls.
And if y’all, were honest you wallow in fall shortness.
Character kamikaze that’s oddly right hardly
But it takes the strongest of gills and sharpened fin skills
The will and means to swim upstream.
And to loop in the losers
Move to Falujah
What the world calls ugly you call my crew bruh Yeah
Yeah hey
Make a little trouble we’re gonna see it through
Believe in a love that makes all things new ay
Make a little trouble it’s all good I got you
Believe in a love that makes all things new ay
Make a little trouble I know it might exhaust you
But believe in a love that makes all things new ay
Make a lickle trouble for something bigger than you
And believe in a love that makes all things new ay
When the world needs a hero, can you be the hero?
When the world needs a miracle, can you be the miracle? You be the miracle?
Safe and sound inside our bubble
But when the world needs to change can you make a little trouble?
Can you make a little trouble?