Rise Up

RISE UP – ev’rybody now
Come with me
All the prayers in the house
Now let me see;
Make a choice, raise your voice
Come with me
All the prayers in the house
Go boom, boom, boom!

Behind our daily lives behind oh everything we see
A battle it is raging for the lives of you and me
God’s enemy is Satan and he has a master plan
He wants control of every single woman ev’ry man

But God has chosen us
To fight beside Him in this war
Authority is on us to show Satan’s mob the door
Say no to all his schemes a big fat no to all his lies
In Jesus name we break the hold of his unholy ties

Hey – your battle is not against people
That kid who bullies
That person who puts you down
That pain in the butt who’s just plain mean
Because behind how they behave
Guess what – Satan’s in control.
He’s having a laugh at their expense.
He’s pulling their strings.
But when you start praying
For those bullying, mean people
It wipes the smile off his face.
And when you don’t stop praying
Hey that gets him really worried.
Prayer somehow builds a bridge
Between the visible and invisible worlds.
And across that bridge the awesome, power, might
And breathtaking love of God flows.
Prayer unleashes heaven.
And Satan runs and hides.

All across this planet now in each and ev’ry land
People are discovering that they can take a stand
Impossibilities can change as all God’s people pray
‘Cos prayer is so much,
So much more than just the words you say

Say no to broken marriages to sickness and disease
No to child abuses and to endless poverty
We’re the only army
Ever going to battle on it’s knees
And we proclaim across this planet
Jesus Christ will set you free

And so as Christians we’re called
To enter into this heavenly battle
That’s raging in the invisible world.
God asks us to join in the fight.
To do what? To help other people find Him.

And does God give us a gun for this fight? Nope.
But we’re not powerless or feeble or a joke.
Because we have the most powerful weapon of all.

We are the children of the King
And we’re standing strong in Him.

And we’re praying