You have broken all the barriers and brought down dividing walls
That have kept us separated You gave Your life once and for all
The sacred veil has been severed, that was keeping us apart
You have built the bridge between us by the power of the cross
We are one by the blood of the Lamb
You destroyed discrimination,
Your precious blood has bought us peace
We are members of Your body the cross has crushed hostility
Now we are living in the promise of your glorious mystery
As the gospel of your love joins our hearts in unity
We are one by the blood of the Lamb
Simunye(we are one), simunye we are one new man in Christ
Simunye, simunye we’re bought from every tongue and tribe
Simunye, simunye by your blood we’re reconciled
We are one ’cause Jesus paid the price
Hum ek hain , yesu mein (we are one ‘“hindi)
We are one new holy nation, a multi-coloured tapestry
We are chosen not by merit but because of Your mercy
Jesus you show no preferring, in You we share equality
We are a race of grace a royal priesthood, a people now redeemed
We are one by the blood of the Lamb
We see Your holy temple rising built together by Your hand
You’ve sealed us with Your Holy Spirit
To be the praise of Your glorious grace
Evan Rogers