Sing To God

Sing to God, sing praise to His name
Extol Him Who rides on the clouds
Clap your hands and shout with joy
To the God of all creation

God has made the heavens
And the earth
By His power and by
His spoken word
And you and I were made
In the image of the Father
To reflect the glory of His Son

God so loved the world
That He had made
That He sent His only Son to save
And all who would believe
Would receive His gifts of mercy
And power to become the sons of God

Sing to God, sing praise to His name
Extol Him Who rides on the clouds
Clap your hands and shout with joy
To the God of all salvation

Freely you’ve received
Now freely give
Speak the word that
Others too might live
O the harvest fields are white and
The Lord our God commands us
Go and tell the news to all the earth
Sing to God, sing praise to His name
Extol Him Who rides on the clouds
Clap your hands and shout with joy
To the God of every nation
To the God of every nation