WE ARE THE CREATURES great and small
Us you gotta love, made by God above
We are the creatures great and small
We’ve a great mahoosive God
Hello, I’m Arch, I sure know how to march
I’ve only got one mother, but about a zillion brothers
Gidday, I’m Drew, the bouncy kangaroo
Invite me to your party, just don’t put me on the BarB
At night under the stars, I’m great at dodging cars
I’m the outback’s bumper, jumper wonder
We are the creatures great and small
Us you gotta love, made by God above
We are the creatures great and small
We’ve a great mahoosive God
I’m a shark (shark) with a bad (bad) reputation
I come on the scene, people run and scream
I don’t mean to be rude, but you’re not my kind of food
If I bite your leg in half, I didn’t do it for a laugh
It was a mistake, one that anyone could make
My name is Samantha, I’m a funky, funky skunk
I may not be too smarty, but boy you know I’m farty
I know that stardom beckons
I can clear a room in seconds
I’m Samantha the funky, funky skunk
I may be coy, with a boy
‘Cos just a wink can raise a stink
I’ve got a belly, that’s very smelly
But I’ll never need worry about being in a crowded ;room
My name is Samantha, I’m a funky, funky skunk
Don’t call me Miss Peculiar if you do I might just
sue ya
Sure admire the quiff, but just avoid the whiff
I’m Samantha, the funky, funky skunk
What ever you look like, however you smell
He loves you forever, to Him you’re just swell
Doug Horley, Pete Bignall & Jonathan Roddick