In this dry and weary land?
So many people drifting away;
How we need to understand
You’re still God,
Even when we’re unbelieving, still God,
When we’re desperate for our healing; still God,
Still God, still God, You’re still God.
Even when our friends desert us, still God,
Even through the things that hurt us,
Still God, still God.
So I will be still and know You are God.
Where, oh where’s Your kingdom, O God?
We have let holiness go.
So many idols litter our land.
We’ve got to let this nation know
You’re still God,
When the government have no answers, still God,
When the media lowers the standard, still God,
Still God, still God, You’re still God,
When the plans we make are worthless, still God,
When we lose our sense of purpose,
Still God, still God,
So I will be still and know You are God.
When will Jesus really be seen
Through the church that bears His name?
Agents of His kingdom, His peace,
In the world for which he came,
You’re still God.
Even though You were rejected, still God.
Though You were ridiculed, deserted, still God,
Still God, still God, You’re still God.
Though You suffered execution, still God.
You’re alive and Christ our champion,
Still God, still God,
So I will be still and know You are God.
Godfrey & Gill Birtill, Geraldine Latty & Tim Lomaxe