Let It Rain Let It Rain

We are salt and we are the light
We’ve come to break all

The powers of night
And by the love of God
Proclaim His liberty

We’re ambassadors of grace

In His name we take this place
Lord let Your will be done
Let Your kingdom come Lord
Let it rain
Let it rain

Let Your blessings pour out
On this city Lord
Let it rain
Let Your blessings pour out
On this city Lord
Let it rain
As we sing Your praises
Break the curses
Let it rain

Hear Your people praying
Send Your blessings
Let it rain
O let it rain

You have won the fight O Lord
By Your death
Our life’s been restored

And You have risen now
To vanquish all our foes

Come abolish every curse
O’er the nations of all the earth

In Your name we’ll go

To proclaim You rose
To live and reign
Lord come and reign

(Repeat chorus & verse 3 and 4)

(Repeat chorus twice)