The Price Is Paid

Come let us enter in
To all that Jesus died
To make our own.
For every sin
More than enough He gave,
And bought our freedom
From each guilty stain.

The price is paid,
Amazing grace,
So strong and sure;
And so with all my heart,
My life in every part,
I live to thank You for
The price You paid.

The price is paid,
See Satan flee away;
For Jesus crucified
Destroys his power.
No more to pay,
Let accusation cease,
In Christ there is
No condemnation now.

The price is paid,
And by that scourging cruel
He took our sicknesses
As if His own.
And by His wounds,
His body broken there,
His healing touch may now
By faith be known.

The price is paid,
‘Worthy the Lamb’ we cry,
Eternity shall never
Cease His praise.
The church of Christ
Shall rule upon the earth,
In Jesus’ name we have

Graham Kendrick